Mirza & Tonic Wine

"Opium is so frequently used in Medicines that Hazrat Maseeh (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) used to say that in the eyes of doctors opium is half the medicine. Hence the use of opium with medicines as treatment and not as intoxicant is not objectionable in any way. Every one of us, knowingly or unknowingly, has used opium at some stages.

"Hazrat Maseeh Mawood (promised Maseeh Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani ) made a medicine Tiryaq-e-Ilahi by instructions from God and its main constituent was opium; and this medicine, after some increase in opium content was given to Hazrat Khalifa (First Khalifa- Hakeem Nooruddin) by Hazrat (Mirza Qadiani) for more than six months and himself used it off and on during attacks of disease."
(Article by Mian Mahmood Ahmad Khalifa Qadian in Akber Al Fazal, Qadian, Vol 17 no 6, 19 July 1929)

Tonic Wine:
My Dear Brother Mohammad Hussain Saheb
May God protect you,
Mian Yar Mohammad is being sent now. Things to be purchased, you purchase yourself and purchase one bottle of Tonic Wine from Plommer’s Shop but I need Tonic Wine keep this in mind.
Rest is O.K.
(Signed: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

(Letters of Imam to P.S. Collections of letters by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to Hakeem Mohammad Hussain Qadiani, owner of Dispensary Rafiq-us-Sehat Lahore)

"True nature of Tonic Wine was inquired from Plommer’s shop in Lahore through Dr. Aziz Ahmad wrote back:

As per instructions, I inquired from Plommer’s Shop and the following reply:

"Tonic Wine is a type of strong and intoxicating wine which is imported from U.K. Wilayat) in sealed bottles. Its price is Rs.5 Annas 8 (21.9.1933)"
(Sauda-e-Mirza p. 39 By Hakeem Mohammad Ali, Principal Tibbiya College Amratsar)

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