Mirza's Mental Disorders

Depression has probably been part of the human condition as long as man has inhabited the earth. Even a brief perusal of early manuscript or writing reveals descriptions of depression. Ancient writers recognized some of the same problems that we are treating 2,000 to 4,000 years later. Most Greek literature described the concept of divinely inspired depression. Yet 2,300 years ago, Hippocrates recognized that psychiatric problems originate from natural causes rather than from supernatural capriciousness. His terminology for the psychiatric disorders remain in use today: epipepsy (the sacred disease); mania (states of abnormal excitement); melancholia (states of abnormal depression due to black bile); and paranioa. Hippocrates also described a woman of melancholic turn of mind who suffered loss of sleep, aversion to food, thirst and nausea. This ancient catalogue of melancholic symptoms presages modren description of depression.

During the Roman Era, Physician Galen wrote about Depression. In describing the melancholic state Galen commented that certain patients show fear, depression, discontent with life, and hatred for all people. He postulated that psychic functions were found in the brain, which was directly affected in melancholia. In his encyclopedic descriptions, Galen including dyshmia (ill temper) crasis (temperament, balance of humors in a person's body), and chymos(humor).

Robert Burton’s "Anatomy of Melancholia", published in 1630, summarized what was known at that time as Depression and categorized melancholy as "a disease of the head or mind" frequently associated with pain and sorrow. Burton paved the way of future scientific understanding of depression by cataloging the causes of depression, including such psychological ones as shame, disgrace, anger, self love and losses.

The next significant contribution to the description of Depression was by Freud in his book, Mourning and Melancholia, published in 1917. Freud wrote that melancholia represented regression from object choice to a primitive mode of relating to objects. His description of "Delusional Depression" emphasizes self-reproaches replacing what should actually be outwardly directed anger. He believed that sufferers of depression torment themselves mercilessly while relating the torment to another person, such as the sexual object they may have lost. One can imagine now, what happened with our Mirza. If only Freud had the opportunity to study Mirza!

Depression has been described for thousand of years, first by the poet and philosophers and only later by the physicians. Today, we have entered an era in which the description of the disease are contributed by research oriented clinics and scientists.

"According to Hikmat and Greek oriented system, this disease occurs because of collection of black acidic material in the stomach. In which ever organ this material collects, black vapors arise from it and climb towards the brain. The symptoms are: bitter eructations, anoxia because of weak stomach, disturbed digestion, abdominal distension, loose motions, feeling of smoke like vapours climbing inside." (Could Mirza’s revelation and inspiration be the result of these vapours? - Author).

Guide to the causes & symptoms of Melancholia By Allama Burhanuddin Nafees:
" It was thought that this disease’s (Melancholia) symptoms are caused by the fault in sexual power of drive which are in liver & stomach. But recent research has shown that it is a mental illness just like Hysteria in female. The fault in internal organs lead to weakness of mind resulting in Melancholia in Males. Symptoms: Patient is always apathetic, worried thinking always about himself, exaggerating everything............ with no appetite and poor digestion."
(Makhzan-e-Hikmat, By Hakeem Dr. Ghulam Jeelani)

" Poor Digestion bitter eructations, sialorrhoea, abdominal distension, borborygmi, burning sensation in stomach, false appetite, feeling of smoky vapors climbing towards head, symptoms subsiding with improvement in digestion and aggravating with indigestion, sometimes tremors of upper part of body, hands and feet and sometimes whole body becoming cold, according to the phase of disease becoming weak, occasionally seeing flashes of light in front of eyes, eyelids becoming heavy, feeling heat and burning in head and brain, headache and sudden chocking such are the symptoms of Melancholia"

(Akseer-e-Azam, vol : 1 , p 189 By Hakeem Mohammad Azam Khan)

You have read the above features of this disease. I request everybody in the right mind to consider the claims of inspiration, revelation and conversation with God of this Maseeh as ramblings of a deranged person and dissociate yourself from this melancholic, so-called, prophet, so that you can become a true Muslim and from the curse of faithlessness become a believer and a faithful follower of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Prophet (PBUH) said:

" In my Ummah there will be about 30 false claimants and everyone of them will say that he is God’s prophet". Now it is upto you to find out what is the number of this man.

Now let us see what other intellectuals and Hakeems say about Melancholia.

"Melancholia is that disease in which abnormal ideas & thought occurs. Its cause if the extreme blackness of mood so that mind becomes deranged and patient is very upset by is darkness. Or else this disease is caused by too much heat liver. This is called hypochonriasis. When the waste of food and gases mixed in intestines, it gives rise to blackish substance and then vapours from them ascends towards the brain, this is called gaseous melancholia"
(Canon in Medicine, Fun-e-Awwal from book 3, Bu Ali Sena (Avecina)

Treatment: It is necessary for the patient with Melancholia to be busy in work which keeps his heart contended and surrounded by people who give him respect and keep him happy. Small quantity of wine mixed with water should be given in moderation."

(Canon in Medicine By Aviecnia)

Note: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was using Tonic wine and opium for the same reason.

"Melancholia is the change of thoughts from normal due to fear and disease. In some patients this disease progresses so much that the patient thinks that he can tell the hidden things and often tells what is going to happen in future. Later it progresses to such an extent that he consider himself an angel."
(Guide to the Aetiology & Manifestations of disease of Melancholia By Allama Burhanuddin Nafees)

Patient’s fanciful Delusions are very frequently related to the same work he has been doing during his health e.g if the patient is a religious man, he claim prophethood and miracles, talk about divinity and preaches people about it".
(Akseer-e-Azam Vol 1 p 188, By Mohammad Azam Khan)

"For a claimant of inspiration, if this is proved that he suffers from Hysteria, Melancholia or Epilepsy, then you don’t need any other proof to reject his claim, because this is such a blow that his whole structure of truth is blown apart from his foundation."
(By Dr. Shahanawaz Qadiani in Magazine Review of Religions, Qadiani Date, Aug. 1926 A.D.)

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